High Intensity Interval Training where you control the pace of your workout for max results. Includes weights, cardio, and abs.
A diverse weight training class that works multiple muscle groups to inspirational music. Use a mix of barbells and dumbbells, and a variety of exercises to burn calories and get maximum results for each muscle group.
“An exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party™ that’s moving millions of people toward joy and health.”
Patterns of aerobic movements on a raised platform designed to increase your heart rate, improve your balance and coordination, all while burning calories and building endurance!
Regain proper posture, decrease muscle tension, and increase flexibility. Helps relieve stress and anxiety through meditative exercise.
Intervals of step aerobic patterns combined with intervals of weight training to strengthen and tone your body while keeping your calorie burn high.
An indoor cycling class to energizing music that will keep you motivated to finish the ride. You control the resistance and speed of your bike as the instructor takes you through your ride sprinting, hill climbing, jumping, and running to increase your heart rate, burn calories, and build endurance.